The antibacterial effect of topical ozone on the treatment of MRSA skin infection
Tutti sappiamo che l’Ozono è il più potente antimicrobico che esiste in natura. Le principali applicazioni dell’ozono si basano soprattutto sulle grandi capacità disinfettanti che questo gas ha. L’Ozono, grazie al suo grande potere ossidativo, è in grado di rompere i grossi componenti macromolecolari che sono alla base dell’integrità vitale di cellule batteriche, funghi, protozoi e virus.
Questa sua potente azione disinfettante ad ampio spettro viene utilizzata non solo in medicina ma anche a livello industriale sia nella disinfezione delle acque, per la potabilizzazione, che nel trattamento delle acque reflue. Molti studi hanno inoltre dimostrato che l’Ozono è più efficace del cloro nell’eliminazione di alcuni virus che trovano grande vitalità nelle acque potabili (come ad esempio il virus EBOLA). Per questo motivo non ci si deve meravigliare se l’Ozono è largamente usato anche nell’igienizzazione delle piscine (Olimpiadi Australiane del 2000) dove induce un risparmio dell’80% di cloro, una riduzione del reintegro dell’acqua e non necessita di alcun intervento di personale in quanto l’impianto è automatizzato.
L’ultimo lavoro comparso in letteratura internazionale, che portiamo alla vostra attenzione, su rivista indicizzata con impact è proprio di questo inizio 2018, grazie al Professor Jianyun Lu, Direttore del Dipartimento di Dermatologia di : “The Third Xiangya Hospital, Central South University” in Cina che ha potuto completare il suo studio di Ricerca in ozono terapia supportato da Natural Science Foundation of Human Province e Scientific Research Program of Department of Health of Hunan Province National Natural Science Foundation of China, Development and Reform Commission of Hunan Province Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine of HunanProvince, and the New Xiangya Talent Projects of the Third Xiangya Hospital of Central South University
Di cui riportiamo le conclusioni a conferma dell’efficacia terapeutica dell’ozonoterapia
In summary, ozone therapy is potential treatment for S. aureus and MRSA skin infections with great efficacy, low side effects, and low‑cost.
Skin can be infected by many types of micro- organisms, most commonly by gram-positive strains of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus spp. Treatment of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) infections, particularly that of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), is a challenge in clinical practice. Ozone therapy has proven to be one of the strongest antiseptics against the majority of microorganisms involved in skin infections. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the microbicidal effects of topical ozone therapy on S. aureus and MRSA, and deter- mine the clinical ef cacy of ozone therapy on patients with MRSA skin infection. Microbicidal effects of ozonated oil and ozonated water were determined by plating and Kirby Bauer methods. Clinical ef cacy and safety of topical ozone were evaluated in two cases with skin MRSA infection. The killing rates of ozonated oil for S. aureus and MRSA were greater when compared with the control oil group. Almost 100% of S. aureus were eliminated by ozonated oil following 5 min. Almost 100% MRSA were eliminated by ozon- ated oil following 15 min. In addition, 100% S. aureus and 100% MRSA were eliminated by ozonated water in 1 min. The inhibition zone diameters of ozonated oil for S. aureus and MRSA were 17 and 13 mm, respectively, which were signi cantly larger than the control group. Both cases of skin MRSA infection were completely healed with ozone therapy.
Killing rate of ozone on S. aureus and MRSA. The killing rate of ozonated oil on S. aureus was much higher than the control. Almost 100% S. aureus were killed in 5 min. For MRSA, the killing rate of ozonated oil was also much higher than the control oil. Almost 100% MRSA were killed within 15 min (Fig. 1). The killing rates over time between ozonated oil and control for S. aureus and MRSA were presented in Tables I and II. The ozonated water (1 mg/l) can sterilize 100% S. aureus and 100% MRSA in one minute (Fig. 2).
Bacterial inhibitory: Inhibition zone diameter. The inhibition zone diameters of ozonated oil for S. aureus and MRSA were 17 and 13 mm respectively, which were signi cantly much larger than the control (Fig. 3).