Sicily Spine 2015

Sicily Spine, 29-31 October 2015.

Congress Rationale

During the past 10 years, increased request for new “minimal invasive” or “closed surgery” procedures to be adopted treating spinal diseases generated a large series of new devices, mainly based on small cut incision, anatomical landmark respect, no main damage to muscles and bony/ligament structures, using simple local anesthesia. Performing surgery directly in a CT suite with optional C-arm over CT table offers a tremendous powerful range of advantages in comparison to conventional surgery.

First of all, there is an evident reduced risk of complications, ad the image-guided procedures allow real in-time measurement, planning the surgical procedure and calculating the correct size, orientation, length and disposition of devices we want to implant.

Second, an important advantage (particularly for elderly patients or in case of neoplastic disease) is the anesthesia risk reduction, as all the “cover-surgery” procedures are generally performed under local anesthesia and/or analgo-sedation.

Third, all the “covert-surgery” procedures are not time consuming, as ta mean time of  30 to 90 minutes is necessary to complete the treatment. Moreover, the recovery time is drastically reduced (patient is generally discharged in 24-48h), and post-op rehabilitation is not necessary.

Fourth, last but not least, CT-X ray guided procedures significantly reduce the cost of the procedures for the Health Care System, as a smaller number of physicians is necessary, with no operating room occupation and beds/patients rate reduction.

Our goal is to analyze all the new “covert surgery” CT/Xray guided procedures, with special focus on Spinal Instability, Spinal Canal Stenosis and all the Vertebral Lesions (osteoporotic, traumatic, neoplastic) that can be treated nowadays, including advantages and disadvantages of all the procedures. As the chronic lumbar pain and sciatic pain is one of the main problem to face in our daily practice, a pre-congress course on “how-to-know and treat” the chronic LBP complete the Congress program.

We deeply hope that have you as our guest in Catania, next October.

Luigi Manfrè

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Programma Sicily Spine