Percutaneous Treatment of Herniated Lumbar Discs with Ozone: Investigation of the Mechanisms of Action.

Murphy K., Elias G., Steppan J., Boxley C., Balagurunathan K., Victor X., Meaders T., Muto M.

To elucidate the mechanism of action of intradiscal oxygen-ozone therapy for herniated intervertebral disc therapy.

Oxygen-ozone therapy breaks down proteoglycan GAGs that maintain disc osmotic pressure, dehydrating the nucleus pulposus and reducing intervertebral disc volume. This is likely a primary mechanism by which ozone relieves nerve root compression and alleviates herniated disc-related pain. Additionally, 2 wt% ozone appears to interact with intradiscal cytokines, generating an antiinflammatory response that may contribute to symptom improvement.

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